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New posts in separation-of-concerns

Where to build new domain entities? Controller, repository, or mapper?

Unit testing functions with side effects?

Approaching refactoring

How to separate data validation from my simple domain objects (POCOs)?

MVC and NOSQL: Saving View Models directly to MongoDB?

Domain Driven Design - where does data parsing belong

Doing dependency injection using monad stacks

Using abstraction and dependency injection, what if implementation-specific details need to be configurable in the UI?

How to tell Ninject to bind to an implementation it doesn't have a reference to

Entity Framework, application layers and separation of concerns

Creating Views in PHP - Best Practice [closed]

asp.net 5 dependency injection in multiple projects

Are WPF related properties inside a ViewModel a violation of MVVM best practices?

Preferred way to combine PHP and HTML?

Repository Pattern and layering. Where do I apply security?

How do you keep application logic separate from UI when UI components have built-in functionality?

EmberJS: Good separation of concerns for Models, Stores, Controllers, Views in a rather complex application?

Should AngularJS logic be placed in HTML file?

Using Unity, how do you register type mappings for generics?

Where should 'CreateMap' statements go?