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New posts in semantics

Why would one choose an editable DIV over an INPUT or TEXTAREA

owl:allValuesFrom and rdfs:range difference

semantics owl rdfs

Simultaneous assignment semantics in Python

Error that is neither syntactic nor semantic?

java c++ c syntax semantics

Two-column layout without floating elements?

css css-float semantics

What does “⊥” mean in “The Strictness Monad” from P. Wadler's paper?

Java: Not a statement

java semantics

What are the differences between kbd, samp and code in HTML

html tags semantics

Semantic iterator declaration?

c++ iterator semantics

Form tag won't enclose elements inside a table

Escaping percentage character in Sass (SCSS)

Immutability/Read-only semantics (particular C# IReadOnlyCollection<T>)

How to explain the "Cascade" to CSS newbies?

html css semantics

at-most-once and exactly-once

rpc semantics execution

What rules are there about a function a -> () being evaluated in Haskell?

How get DBpedia data in a specific language?

How to recursively expand blank nodes in SPARQL construct query?

It is semantically correct to use <header> inside <section>?

html semantics

Is there a proof that runST is indeed pure?

Why does Java use -D to indicate system properties?