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How to recursively expand blank nodes in SPARQL construct query?

There is probably an easy to answer to this, but I can't even figure out how to formulate the Google query to find it.

I'm writing SPARQL construct queries against a dataset that includes blank nodes. So if I do a query like

CONSTRUCT {?x ?y ?z .} WHERE {?x ?y ?z .}

Then one of my results might be:

nm:John nm:owns _:Node

Which is a problem if all of the

_:Node nm:has nm:Hats

triples don't also get into the query result somehow (because some parsers I'm using like rdflib for Python really don't like dangling bnodes).

Is there a way to write my original CONSTRUCT query to recursively add all triples attached to any bnode results such that no bnodes are left dangling in my new graph?

like image 508
rogueleaderr Avatar asked Mar 20 '12 01:03


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1 Answers

Recursion isn't possible. The closest I can think of is SPARQL 1.1 property paths (note: that version is out of date) but bnode tests aren't available (afaik).

You could just remove the statements with trailing bnodes:

CONSTRUCT {?x ?y ?z .} WHERE 
  ?x ?y ?z .
  FILTER (!isBlank(?z))

or try your luck fetching the next bit:

CONSTRUCT {?x ?y ?z . ?z ?w ?v } WHERE 
  ?x ?y ?z .
    ?z ?w ?v
    FILTER (isBlank(?z) && !isBlank(?v))

(that last query is pretty punishing, btw)

You may be better off with DESCRIBE, which will often skip bnodes.

like image 142
user205512 Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 03:10
