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Passing Multiple Arguments to GraphQL Query




First thing

Appreciate this may be a bit of a stupid question, but I'm working with GraphQL having come from the RDF/Linked Data world and having a lot of trouble getting my head around how I would return a set. Essentially I want something where I could select, let's say a list of Characters (using the examples from the GraphQL docs) via their id. In SPARQL I'd be using the VALUES clause and then binding, something like:

VALUES { <http://uri/id-1> <http://uri/id-2> <http://uri/id-3> }

I'd assume something like this would be what I'd want (pseudocode)

  human(id: ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5"]) {

Aliases kind of do what I want, but I don't want to have to specify in advance or manually what the different named return values are - I want to say in my code pass a list of IDs:

[1 2 3 4 5]

...and have a query that could accept that array of IDs and return me results in a predictable non-scalar shape as per the pseudo-query above.

Second thing

I'm also assuming that it's in fact not possible to have a query resolve to either a Human or [Human] - that it has to be one or the other? No biggie if so, I'd just settle for the latter... but I think I'm just generally quite confused over this now.

like image 537
Alex Lynham Avatar asked Sep 27 '17 10:09

Alex Lynham

3 Answers

First you need to extend you query by adding a "humans":

extend type Query {
  humans(listId: [String!]): [Human!]
  human(id: ObjID!): Human

Second - write a resolver for it.

Query: {
  humans(root, {listId}, { Human }) {
    return Human.fillAllByListId(listId);

List of IDs could be passed as follows: pass list of IDs

like image 146
bora89 Avatar answered Nov 29 '22 05:11


Whit Hasura you can do like this (IDK if that working only on Hasura)

query getConfigurationList($ids: [String!]!) {
    configuration (where: {id:{_in: $ids}}){

Here is the docs

like image 29
elMatadito Avatar answered Nov 29 '22 05:11


You can use GraphQL Aliases

    first: human(id: "1") {
    second: human(id: "2") {
like image 41
DidThis Avatar answered Nov 29 '22 04:11
