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d3.sparql - How to query SPARQL endpoints directly from D3js?




I like to get visuals based on RDF data from a SPARQL endpoint. It would be a nice addition to d3 to get an additional external data loader which can pull data by issuing SPARQL queries.

Did already someone work on something like this? Any pointers for such an enterprise? Or a completly obvious solution I did overlook?

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loomi Avatar asked Mar 08 '13 15:03


1 Answers

There is the d3sparql project that actually enables to create d3 visualizations from the results of a SPARQL query.

Here is how it self-describes:

JavaScript natually fits for querying a SPARQL endpoint which provides a REST service returning the result in the JSON format. The d3sparql.js library provides functions executing a SPARQL query by Ajax call (XMLHttpRequest) and visulaizing results by the D3 library. Basically, this library transforms the SPARQL Query Results JSON Format (aka. application/sparql-results+json) into several JSON formats which major D3 layouts can accept. Many of the examples are borrowed from bl.ocks.org and bost.ocks.org.

Home page: http://biohackathon.org/d3sparql/

Source code: https://github.com/ktym/d3sparql

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ColinMaudry Avatar answered Nov 29 '22 06:11
