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d3 bar chart is upside down

I have a simple bar chart drawn in d3, with vertical bars: http://jsfiddle.net/philgyford/LjxaV/2/

However, it's drawing the bars down, with the baseline at the top of the chart.

I've read that to invert this, drawing up from the bottom, I should change the range() on the y-axis. So, change this:

    .range([0, chart.style('height')]);

to this:

    .range([chart.style('height'), 0]);

However, that looks like it's drawing the inverse of the chart - drawing in the space above each of the bars, and leaving the bars themselves (drawn from the bottom) transparent. What am I doing wrong?

like image 630
Phil Gyford Avatar asked Feb 21 '13 20:02

Phil Gyford

1 Answers

The x and y coordinates for svg start in the top left. You want the y to start on the bottom. The code below assumes you're appending to some function along the lines of:


To make the bar plot act as you desire, set the y attribute to begin at distance data[i] above the axis:

.attr('y', function(d) { return height - d; })

Then, you must make the distance extend the remaining data[i] to the axis.

.attr('height', function(d) { return d; }) 

And that's it!

like image 91
Jared Wilber Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 19:09

Jared Wilber