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New posts in semantics

Is elegant, semantic CSS with ASP.Net still a pipe dream?

asp.net css xhtml semantics

What is the difference between Pass and None in Python

python keyword semantics

HTML5 nested sections and heading tags

Using or not using const on methods that modify / allow the modification of referenced values without touching the fields themselves

Simple definition of "semantics" as it is commonly used in relation to programming languages/APIs?

<p> instead of <br />

html semantics line-breaks

Most semantic way to markup a conversation (or interview)?

is it semantic/acceptable to put paging (NEXT/LAST, etc) links in a <tfoot> of a statistical table element?

html semantics w3c

What is the most semantically-correct HTML element for a form field hint/note?

html forms semantics

What's the semantic difference between ERANGE and EOVERFLOW?

c posix semantics errno

Why double negation doesn't bind in Prolog

Javascript object initialization and evaluation order [duplicate]

javascript semantics

Counting in SPARQL

semantics rdf sparql dbpedia

cudaMemset() - does it set bytes or integers?

cuda semantics memset

Haskell: Why ++ is not allowed in pattern matching?

What's the best website for learning HTML Semantically? [closed]

html css semantics

Is there a working Semantic Diff tool for C++?

c++ diff semantics

HTML5 semantic threaded comments

html semantics

Creating a color palette, <img> or <div> or <canvas>?

html semantics

What use cases for OWL?