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HTML5 semantic threaded comments




When dealing with threaded comments on a blog in HTML5 would you expect threads of comments to be nested <article>'s? Or would you consider even the nested comments to be simply another <article> within the scope of the blog post and the threading is a display issue?

Example A:

...blog post...
<section id="comments">
<article id="comment_1">...comment 1...</article>
<article id="comment_2">
   ...comment 2...
   <article id="comment_3">...comment 3 in response to comment 2...</article>
   <article id="comment_4">
       ...comment 4 in response to comment 2...
       <article id="comment_4">...comment 5 in response to comment 4...</article>
<article id="comment_6">...comment 6...</article>

Example B (with theoretical rel="parent"):

...blog post...
<section id="comments">
<article id="comment_1">...comment 1...</article>
<article id="comment_2">...comment 2...</article>
<article id="comment_3" rel="comment_2" class="indent-1">...comment 3 in response to comment 2...</article>
<article id="comment_4" rel="comment_2" class="indent-1">...comment 4 in response to comment 2...</article>
<article id="comment_5" rel="comment_4" class="indent-2">...comment 5 in response to comment 4...</article>
<article id="comment_6">...comment 6...</article>


To further clarify, it feels like each of the comments being listed as an article in the spec recommendations is because it is an article in a subsection of the main article because of its relevance. And a threaded comment is still an extension of that discussion.

like image 949
scragz Avatar asked Jan 28 '11 05:01


1 Answers

While I WANT to agree with Closure Cowboy because to me all of the comments for a given article are in the context of the original article even if there are some tangential threads that could occur. Without the original article the comments would be unimportant. However, a friend gave a good argument for how the secondary comment content can eclipse the importance of the threaded comments:

Original Article: "post some awesome photoshops of my dog!"
Comment 1: (link/image of awesome photoshop response that goes crazy viral)
Comment 2: re comment 1: oh wow, that is amazing photoshop skills!
Comment 3: re comment 1: Fantastic! How do you do that?
Comment 4: re comment 3: See this tutorial I found on that effect.

At that point we are no longer really discussing the original article at all. While there is a relationship it seems more important to literally represent the semantic relationship by nesting the elements. So I've got to go with "B".

like image 155
user593647 Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 23:11
