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New posts in unit-type

F# - creating delegates

f# c#-to-f# unit-type

So is everything an expression in F#?

f# unit-type

a pitfall in argument and interface inheritance in fsharp

f# unit-type

Methods with return type 'x=unit can't override generic abstract methods [duplicate]

f# unit-type

Implement F# interface member with Unit return type in C#

f# null unit-type

F#, how far is it reasonable to go when checking for valid arguments?

F#: More return points in functions, how to handle them?

Why is `unit` treated differently by the F# type system when used as a generic interface argument?

f# unit-type

Why these arguments inferred to have a unit type?

types f# unit-type

F# - The type int is not compatible with type unit

.net f# unit-type

Does C++ have a unit type?

c++ unit-type

Void in constrast with Unit

Why can I assign null to a Unit value and why does it get converted to ()?

class scala null unit-type

What does this '()' notation mean?

Memoize a function of type () -> 'a

f# unit-type

What rules are there about a function a -> () being evaluated in Haskell?

How to return unit from an expressions in f#

f# unit-type

What do the empty parentheses `()` mean in Elm?

Properly implement F# Unit in C#

How to return Ok unit type of std::result<(), E>?

rust unit-type