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New posts in readonly-collection

List and ReadOnly property

c# list readonly-collection

Readonly collection properties that NHibernate can work with

How to pass a byte array readonly?

What read-only, order-preserving collection in C# should I use to support enumeration?

c# readonly-collection

FxCop: CA1033 - Microsoft's implementation of a ReadOnlyCollection violates this?

ReadonlyCollection, are the objects immutable?

How to concatenate ReadOnlyCollection

"? extends ParentClass" makes Read only?

What is difference between ReadOnlyCollection<T> and ReadOnlyCollectionBuilder<T> in .Net?

c# .net readonly-collection

Why doesn't ReadOnlyCollection<> include methods like FindAll(), FindFirst(),

How does ReadOnlyCollection hide Add and Remove methods

Why am I getting error: "cannot implicitly convert type System.Collections.Generic.List"

c# readonly-collection

Why is covariance not allowed with ReadOnlyCollection?

Public List without Add

c# list readonly-collection

Which way of returning a readonly wrapper of List<T> is preferable?

C# HashSet<T> read-only workaround

Immutability/Read-only semantics (particular C# IReadOnlyCollection<T>)

Using IReadOnlyCollection<T> instead of IEnumerable<T> for parameters to avoid possible multiple enumeration

ReadOnlyCollection vs Liskov - How to correctly model immutable representations of a mutable collection