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Public List without Add

public class RegistrationManager
  public List<object> RegisteredObjects;

  public bool TryRegisterObject(object o) 
    // ...
    // Add or not to Registered
    // ...

I want that RegisterObjects be accessible from outside of the class, but also that the only way to populate the RegisterObjects list is through TryRegisterObject(object o).

Is this possible ?

like image 711
Nicolas Voron Avatar asked Aug 14 '15 13:08

Nicolas Voron

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Add(new string[] { "Id", "Name", "Age" }); for(int i=0; i<list. Count; i++) for(int j=0; j<list[i]. Count(); j++) Console. WriteLine(list[i][j]); // simpler with foreach foreach(var l in list) foreach(string s in l) Console.

1 Answers

I would hide it under ReadonlyCollection. In this case client won't be able to add elements via casting to IList for example. It totaly depends on how secure you want to be (in simplest scenario exposing IEnumerable will be pretty enough).

public class RegistrationManager
  private List<object> _registeredObjects;
  ReadOnlyCollection<object> _readOnlyRegisteredObjects;

  public RegistrationManager()
      _registeredObjects=new List<object>();
      _readOnlyRegisteredObjects=new ReadOnlyCollection<object>(_registeredObjects);

  public IEnumerable<object> RegisteredObjects
     get { return _readOnlyRegisteredObjects; }

  public bool TryRegisterObject(object o) 
    // ...
    // Add or not to Registered
    // ...
like image 157
Artiom Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 00:10
