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New posts in semantic-versioning

Which part of SemVer should I bump when deprecating supported Python version? [closed]

Semantic Versioning and Dependency Changes

How can versioning in the package.json file of npm packages be understood?

Sorting character vector containing semantic versions

4 digit versioning in npm

npm semantic-versioning

In SemVer what should the assembly+file versions be when release a beta to the public? [closed]

Parsing Bower's Semantic Version Syntax

bower semantic-versioning

Generate changelog for a semantically released package

Post-Release versioning and SemVer 2.0 (sematic verisoning)

Delineating ruby gem public APIs for semantic versioning

semver: matching a pre-release suffix (3.* =/= 3.4.5-1)


Should I increase versions after a release or with every commit

Use latest major version

What are the .NET Standard versioning rules?

Use semver or a timestamp in gitlab piplelines

npm - release module multiple branches with multiple versions

npm version to add alpha postfix

Is there a workaround for `npm publish -f`

Azure Pipeline Nuget Package Versioning Scheme, How to Get "1.0.$(Rev:r)"