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Use latest major version

In my JavaScript applications I may be declaring a few dozen dependencies in my package.json file.

It would take a while to go through each one of those dependencies and see which version they are on.

I just want to say: use the latest major version, but not the bleeding edge.

As an example, with a tool like Git I don't usually care about taking changes at the patch-level but if a new major release comes out I will want it.

Is there a similar concept when specifying the version of a npm module?

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Jonathan.Brink Avatar asked Mar 30 '16 00:03


People also ask

How do I use the latest version of npm?

Method 1: Using npm update command to update the node package manager. Method 2: Using npm@latest command to update the node package manager. Method 3: Using PPA repository (only for Linux). Method 4: Using cache cleaning & stable installing (only for Linux).

Should I use latest npm?

If you don't want to force your coworker to update, npm@6 will continue to receive updates as long as Node. js 14 is supported. I would recommend updating to the latest npm@6 with npm install -g npm@6 though. Either version ( npm@6 or npm@7 ) should work just fine.

How do I install a specific version?

Use npm list [package-name] to know the specific latest version of an installed package. Use npm install [package-name]@[version-number] to install an older version of a package. Prefix a version number with a caret (^) or a tilde (~) to specify to install the latest minor or patch version, respectively.

2 Answers

NPM packages (theoretically) use SemVer.

In SemVer, packages get a version number of X.Y.Z.

Z indicates bug fixes. Y indicates new features without changing existing ones. X indicates a major version that breaks backwards-compatibility.

Doing npm install --save <package> will result in a version string in your package.json like ^2.3.9, which means "anything in the 2.* range greater than or equal to 2.3.9". This'll mean you get bug fixes and non-breaking new features, but you won't unexpectedly be updated to a version 3.0.0 that breaks your application.

Note: I say "theoretically" because not everyone sticks to SemVer's ideal. You may find a 2.3.9 -> 2.3.10 upgrade that breaks stuff at times. Tests are handy here.

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ceejayoz Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 10:10


Using npm i -S <pkg> should normally do the right thing.

A few caveats:

  • The above assumes if you are taking a runtime dependency on <pkg>. In installing a developer tool (like grunt) use -D or -G instead of -S.

  • Semantic versioning rule 9 says that publishers MAY identify pre-release versions using a suffix like -beta. Npm depends on it, so if package publisher FAILS to do it, you might take a dependency on a pre-release package without knowing it. Sophisticated npm publishers should know better, and sophisticated npm consumers should check the documentation.

  • A major version is '0' indicates the package is still in initial development, and the package SHOULD NOT be considered stable. (Semantic versioning rule 4.)

  • Consider using npm dist-tag ls <pkg> to see if there is some package-specific tag that identifies your intent better than latest. If so, use npm I -S <pkg>@<tag> to track that tag.

You can always use npm outdated to check if you dependend directly on a package with a new major release might want to consider upgrading to. It is by-design that major version upgrades do not happen automatically.


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Burt_Harris Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 08:10
