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New posts in semantic-versioning

GitVersion configuration is not incrementing

Can prerelease NuGet packages be displayed in VS Package Manager UI?

How to start versioning a composer package?

What does semantic versioning imply about parameter name changes?

Semantic versioning: minor or major change?

Semantic versioning: changing a non-opaque struct that *should* be allocated through library functions

c semantic-versioning

npm cannot find module 'semver' after reinstall

Asp.Net 5 Semantic Versioning

dotnet semantic versioning in a continuous deployment environment

How to version front-end projects?

Do I have to update project version when only README has changed on GitHub?

In Dart with Pub, when should I use the "any" version constraint for a dependency?

Private NPM: How can the latest version of a module be installed?

Indermediate sub-patch Node.js package version

Gradle: what means that a dependency has a "promoted version"?

What's the point of having a "compatible version" (^version) declared in package.json if package-lock.json locks it?

Does npm honour newer prerelease versions in semver?

Reason for MINOR vs PATCH rules in SemVer


Should major SemVer updates cascade?