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Is there a workaround for `npm publish -f`

Now that npm publish -f is deprecated, is there a workaround or a package that makes it possible to overwrite a target version after it's been published?

I know about semver; I still want npm publish -f.

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Alexej Magura Avatar asked Jan 10 '15 06:01

Alexej Magura

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Automating npm tests and publishing When you're done, sign in to your Buddy workspace and do the following: Create a new project, choose GitHub as the provider, and select the forked repository. Add a new pipeline, set the trigger mode to On every push and select Master as the target branch. Add the Node.

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To share your code publicly in a user or organization namespace, you can publish public user-scoped or organization-scoped packages to the npm registry.

3 Answers

someone said this on npm's github issue:

@nmrony You cannot overwrite previously-published packages anymore (since February 2014, if I recall correctly).


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c0b0 Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 23:10


You can unpublish a specific version, and then republish it:

npm unpublish myModule@1.2.3

And then republish the version.

This works indefinitely if the module is hosted on your own npm repo, but according to this, there's a time-limit (72 hours) in which you can do it if hosted on registry.npmjs.org.

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davejlin Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 00:10


According to npm docs this unpublished versions cannot be republished,bump a patch version and publish

Once a package is unpublished, it cannot be republished. If you’ve unpublished a package by mistake, we’d recommend publishing again under a different name, or for unpublished versions, bumping the version number and publishing again.


npm unpublish
npm version patch
npm publish

will do the job.

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melloc Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 23:10
