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New posts in ruby-on-rails-3

How to set headers of a JSON/XML response in 'format.json/xml { render :json/xml => @user.to_json/xml }'?

How to make 'attr_reader' or 'attr_writer' for all class variables at one time?

Why is my rspec test failing?

How Can I Convert \r \n to <p> with simple format in Ruby on Rails?

ActiveRecord and using reject method

ActiveRecord query: order by a sum on an included model

specify an environment in rails 3 app with thin

Failure in Rails Tutorial (Hartl) -section 7 - "unkown attribute: password"


factory girl and nested_attributes in rails 3

Getting error: update rubygems while deploying/migrating to Heroku

Page Caching with Memcached

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rails 3 ruby 1.9.2 CSV "already initialized constant .." warning

RSpec tests with devise: could not find valid mapping

Rails 3 Routes with or without :id

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Rails throws "REXML::ParseException does not have a valid root" exception

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