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Rails 3 Migration Alter Float Length/Decimal

how to create a method that return true or false based on a record count

Rails and JavaScript. Wrong length on unix timestamps

Updating a gem?

How to develop a Rails3 engine against a real app, using RSpec?

Mongoid embeds / has_many :through equivalent

Grab file path from upload


Rails 3: Scope on an optional has_one association

Rails & Devise: How to authenticate specific user?

Rails 3 routes to wrong controller

which version of rails should I use for a new project

Rails: will_paginate "Show next 10" button?

recursively convert hash containing non-UTF chars to UTF

Deploying a Re-Written Github/Heroku App

Rails, Alphanumeric validation in the controller

link_to xml request

Rails Active Record: Calling Build Method Should Not Save To Database Before Calling Save Method

Rails Routing: how to separate a token from surrounding static segments

Rails 3.1 Replacement for RXML Template Builder

xml ruby-on-rails-3 view

How to get fragment expiration date in Rails 3.1?