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Rails 3 multiple parameter filtering using scopes

Rails 3.1 force .html instead of no extension

ruby-on-rails-3 routes

How can I get Twitter / Facebook / Google+ buttons to show up after loading page via ajax?

What is rails stack?

Rails 3.1 on Ubuntu 11.10 under VirtualBox very slow

Check username availability using jquery and Ajax in rails

How can I link to next or previous record belonging to an object in Rails 3?

ActiveRecord query

Securing Rails API with https

How do I Create a Rails Model from a Subset of Table Records

Permanent variable in Rails

Can't create pdfs with pdfkit - PDFKit::NoExecutableError

How to average product review scores using activerecord and POSTGRES

"request invite" gem?

Rails -- uninitialized constant error for newly installed gems

Order Alphabetically and Display By Group

How do I create an admin role with Factory girl?

Set a constant value from a string

ruby ruby-on-rails-3

Why is Foo.first returning the last record?

How to make custom host working for devise mailer?