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Rails -- uninitialized constant error for newly installed gems

Trying to do a fb apprequest using Koala but access token expired. How should I handle?

list of Page Categories on facebook

Uploading a file to Facebook using Koala on Ruby on Rails

How to embed my own HTML5/flash video player in facebook wall post (using rails + koala)?

facebook html video koala

Trying to extend Facebook oauth token using Koala gem

How to configure Koala Sass auto compile on partials changes?

sass koala auto-compile

Deprecated offline_access on facebook with RoR

put_connections() to Facebook graph in Koala fails after a very long delay

How can Koala API requests and replies be recorded?

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Post multiple pictures with Koala::Facebook::GraphAPIMethods#put_connections

ruby-on-rails koala

Getting SSL Error Using Koala with Devise & OmniAuth in a Rails 3 App

Find out if a user is friends with exactly one other user using Graph API

Making OmniAuth, Devise and Koala work together

koala get likes on post

Doesn't compile SCSS after update OSX to 10.13 (macOS High Sierra)

ruby sass koala

How to catch Koala::Facebook::APIError OAuthException or user password reset

Facebook token expiration and renewal, with Koala and omniauth-facebook