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Why "Action Mailer" is not rendering the email template?

Best practice for DRYing up New and Edit forms using partial

Basic Each Loop Ruby on Rails

Rspec routing specs give failure with param id reversed?

Rails: delayed_job on an after_create callback? [closed]

Is there a version manager for Ruby gems?

After_save with parameter

Ruby on Rails: How to link/route from one view/page to another view/page with a different controller

Adding new page into Rails 4 Application

Why doesn't "g controller" also create view file?

ruby unzip - fails with uninitialized constant ZIP::File

How to stop auto encoding of <%= strings %> with Rails 3

Rails 3: RJS vs JavaScript

Element.update is not a function [Rails 3 + JQuery]

Is it possible include Nesta CMS into Rails3 application?

How to install authlogic in Rails 3?

Rails respond_with is not outputting the status of the rest call

nested has_many :through in rails 3

Rails : How to save the pdf file generated using wicked pdf

Google Maps API-Key in gmaps4rails