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Element.update is not a function [Rails 3 + JQuery]

ajax:success and ajax:complete callback doesn't work when using UJS in Rails

jquery ruby-on-rails ajax ujs

Can't get UJS to work in Rails 3.1

Invalid Authenticity Token for rails form with a file

ajax ruby-on-rails-4 ujs

Why I need add "data: {type: "script"}" on remote link with rails / ajax

ruby-on-rails-3.2 ujs

Changing data-method with javascript does not change what method the ajax calls users?

ruby-on-rails ruby ujs

Why does remote: true and confirm: 'Are You Sure?' not work together?

ruby-on-rails-4 ujs

isotope doesn't reLayout when items are appended

Why is Rails UJS ajax:success bind being called twice?

ajax ruby-on-rails-3.1 ujs

Difference between application.haml and application.html.haml?

How do I stop a remote form from submitting?

Rails jQuery UJS callbacks not triggering

Rails UJS confirm box cancel button callback

jquery ruby-on-rails ujs

Inserting data-remote form via JavaScript in a Rails App, ujs not catching remote

Turbolinks causes a link with href="#" to trigger page refresh

Rails and data-disable-with not working with Safari

Rails: cannot submit a remote form that was loaded via Ajax

jquery ruby-on-rails ujs

Simple like/unlike button with rails 3, jquery, and ajax

How to keep submit buttons disabled on remote forms until the next page has loaded

Multipage vs Single Page and Unobtrusive Javascript