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Setting CanCan ability.rs model

What is the best way to develop and test cache in a Ruby on rails application?

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Rails 3 - render partial js.erb

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Rails 3: Why might my respond_to statement throw this exception when called from a POST request?

How do I get rails to parse params from CURL as JSON or XML instead of a string?

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Devise - Automatically delete account that hasn't been confirmed after a defined period of time

How to debug rake spec not executing tests; infinite hanging issue (rails 3)

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Rails 3 Sending errors to email

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Rails: Controller-specific menu in layout

Calling methods everywhere in a Ruby on Rails application

Dragonfly gem - default images?

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Can I use RefineryCMS with Cancan or similar?

Rails 3 - Best way to handle nested resource queries in your controllers?

No expected output for my performance testing