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Why are there no rake tasks in this mongoid Rails 3 project?

Access the Locale in Ruby in CSS files

Checking for nil strings in Rails view

Upload images in database

Ruby on Rails - Converting Hash of Datetimes to Dates

Capybara can't find link on the page

How to clear Redis Database in test environment with fakeredis?

Why is window.location.reload() negating the previous command?

How to reference parent model from Carrierwave Uploader object

Paperclip deprecated method

Single occurrence event with ice_cube gem using start_time and end_time

SimpleForm default input class

How can I convert a String with \xf6 chars into a human readable one?

Using will_paginate without active record

How to override Constant of a gem? (Ruby on Rails)

How to store hash-like objects in a PostgreSQL database?

Make text area not resizeable

RoR: Check for a location within a radius of the other location, using google maps api

rails server throws `require': cannot load such file -- bigdecimal/util (LoadError)

Rails 3: Why does my image_tag automatically add inline style attributes to the HTML making it invisible?