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New posts in ruby-on-rails-3

Rails 3: How do you style will_paginate links?

Getting the sum of a float of numbers?

array .any? or .empty? conundrum in Rails


How to migrate legacy PHP mysql data to new Rails data model?

mysql ruby-on-rails-3

What is the best practice to use asserts in Ruby, but not as part of unit tests?

Rails 3.1 built-in logger vs Log4r

ruby-on-rails-3 logging gem

How to deploy to Heroku without installing PostgreSQL locally?

Rails 3 activerecord children of children records

Generate select tag from validation options with I18N


root path for multiple controllers on rails routes

Unable to start webbrick - TCPServer Error: Address already in use


Using link_to to add url params when not using a path helper method


Rails 3 Retrieving All Great Grandchild Records As ActiveRecord Collection

Rails - where do I store config values?


How to not encapsulate Coffeescript

Rails has_many self referential

How to return 2 json objects at once?

Rails: Good practice to always use ":dependent => :destroy?"

"Can't mass-assign protected attributes" with nested attributes

How can I add bootstrap's icon to button_to in rails3