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RSpec load time incredible long on OS X

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Best practice for reusing code in Rspec?

Correct way to use shared_examples_for

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RSpec - If I avoid using let, let and before, how to achieve same functionality?

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Can I use rspec mocks to stub out version constants?

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How to target localized button with RSpec and Capybara?

Multiple Rails engine rspec controller test not work

How to test before_update callback in rails model with Rspec and FactoryGirl?

Why isn't my CORS configuration causing the server to filter incoming requests? How can I make the server only accept requests from a specific origin?

Break RSpec matcher to multiple lines

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uninitialized constant RSpec::Core::ExampleGroup::Nested_1::Factory

How can I count list elements in unordered list? (RSpec/Capybara)

ruby Class.new returning nil in rspec

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Define class in Rspec

Rails 3 +Devise + RSpec: undefined method 'visit'

RSpec undefined method 'should'

Rspec / Capybara: Testing if a controller method is called

Ruby on Rails 3 + Rspec + Capybara: check response status