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Confused - spec_helper.rb:94:in `<top (required)>': uninitialized constant Shoulda (NameError)

Silencing unnecessary capybara-webkit warnings

Rspec testing rake tasks

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raise an error on the xth time and after that return a value

Unexpected rspec behavior

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VCR says "no cassette in use" even after specifying cassette

Ruby 1.9.1 with rspec "can't modify frozen object"

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Excluding a folder from autotesting

Passing arguments to an Rspec SpecTask

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Rspec, CanCan and Devise

Efficiently check that a JSON response contains a specific element within an array

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Rspec testing for oauth provider

How to test that a file is uploaded in a controller?

Getting NameError: `format' is not allowed as an instance variable name when testing instance variable with rspec

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DatabaseCleaner + RSpec : what is the correct configuration?

How to set a value in the params hash when testing a Rails helper method with RSpec?

How can I mock super in ruby using rspec?

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Rails Time inconsistencies with rspec

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How to access (devise) current_user in a rspec feature test?

What is the best practice when it comes to testing "infinite loops"?

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