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Testing a Class inside of a Module with RSpec

Share code between view specs

rspec rspec-rails

rspec/capybara/poltergeist tests pass 100% locally, random tests fail on teamcity CI server

How can I test memoization with RSpec?

RSpec 3.5 pass argument to shared_context

Rails RSpec, DRY specs: shared example vs. helper method vs. custom matcher

Cannot create test database in rails 3.2 with postgres

RSpec Error Regarding Selenium-Webdriver

rspec-rails: undefined method `true?' for true:TrueClass after updating to 3.0.0.beta2 version

How to disable a before_action in a controller spec?

ActiveRecord object equality

RSpec controller specs not working unless explicitly adding :type => :controller

rspec rails 6 controllers

Rails 2.3 and rspec-rails compatability

Capybara 2.0.0.beta4 has undefined paths

rspec-rails controller testing with assertions and assigns

Expected the response to have status code 200 but it was 302 in requests test in rspec

Spork cannot load such file?

rspec-rails spork

Rspec - redirect_to a path matching a regexp

How to set a value in the params hash when testing a Rails helper method with RSpec?