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How can I test memoization with RSpec?

I have the next code in one of my classes:

class Settings < ActiveRecord::Base
  def self.current
    @settings ||= Settings.where({ environment: Rails.env }).first_or_create!
  # Other methods

Basic behaviour:

  1. It creates a new record on first call.
  2. It returns the same result with subsequent calls.
  3. It resets the ivar after each update, returning the first (and unique) record associated to current environment in subsequent calls.

For this method I have the next test:

describe Settings do
  describe ".current" do
    it "gets all settings for current environment" do
      expect(Settings.current).to eq(Settings.where({ environment: 'test' }).first)

I don't feel comfortable with that because I'm actually not testing memoization, so I have been following the approach on this question, and I have tried something like that:

describe ".current" do
  it "gets all settings for current environment" do
    expect(Settings).to receive(:where).with({ environment: 'test' }).once
    2.times { Settings.current }

But this test returns the following error:

  undefined method `first_or_create!' for nil:NilClass

So my question is, how can I test memoization on this method with RSpec?


Finally, my approach is as follows:

describe Settings do
  describe ".current" do
    it "gets all settings for current environment" do
      expect(described_class.current).to eq(described_class.where(environment: 'test').first)
    it "memoizes the settings for current environment in subsequent calls" do
      expect(described_class).to receive(:where).once.with(environment: 'test').and_call_original
      2.times { described_class.current }
like image 369
backpackerhh Avatar asked Dec 18 '13 18:12


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1 Answers

Add an .and_call_original to your message expectation:

expect(Settings).to receive(:where).with({ environment: 'test' }).once.and_call_original
like image 50
Ash Wilson Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 01:10

Ash Wilson