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Crontab not working from whenever gem

My linux server is running a Rails 4 app with Nginx/unicorn.

I am using the Whenever gem to schedule tasks. Everything was working normally until a couple of days ago when the cron jobs appear to have simply stopped running.

This is in my schedule.rb file:

every 5.minutes do
    runner "Video.send_to_wistia", environment: 'production'

This is what I see when I run crontab -l:

# Begin Whenever generated tasks for: myapp
0,5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55 * * * * /bin/bash -l -c 'cd /home/myuser/myapp && bin/rails runner -e production '\''Video.send_to_wistia'\'''
# End Whenever generated tasks for: myapp

I have restarted unicorn. I also made sure to run:

whenever --update-crontab myapp

In my video.rb file, which contains the action that should run, I placed some log code:

   def self.send_to_wistia
        logger.debug( "Sending videos to wistia at #{Time.now}" )

I've been watching the logs and nothing appears there.

PS: My first instinct was that maybe the site is running in development mode (which the whenever task is not configured to run in) but this does not seem to be the case, because I see now records going into my production database.

Update: As the user for my app, when I run service cron status I get this: cron: unrecognized service. But I'm not sure if this is checking the user's crontab or the system-wide.

Update2: This is what I see when I run pgrep -l cron:

410 crond
582 crond
711 crond
879 crond
1021 crond
1188 crond
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Update 3: I ran ps -ef | grep cron and I get:

root      1404     1  0 Oct31 ?        00:00:00 crond
myappuser    3961  2746  0 10:56 pts/1    00:00:00 grep cron

Update 4: I ran /bin/bash -l -c 'cd /home/clippo/clippo2 && bin/rails runner -e production '\''Video.send_to_wistia'\''' and this is what I see:

/home/myuser/.rbenv/versions/2.0.0-p247/lib/ruby/gems/2.0.0/gems/railties-4.0.0/lib/rails/commands/runner.rb:53:in `eval': No such file or directory - /home/myuser/myapp/tmp/video_uploads/190 (Errno::ENOENT)
    from /home/myuser/myapp/app/models/video.rb:31:in `new'

This error message is really confusing because that directory DOES exist and always has.

like image 639
emersonthis Avatar asked Nov 01 '13 14:11


People also ask

How often does a cron job run?

Anatomy of a Crontab Entry Cron will execute the command when the minute, hour, month, and either day of month or day of week match the current time. The preceding cron job will run once per day every five days, from 5th to 20th of February plus all Tuesdays of February.

Can two cron jobs run simultaneously?

Technically it's possible to run both imports at the same time via cron jobs, but it's not recommended – actively running imports are resource-intensive and could cause your server to struggle.

What is the name of the special file that the cron program looks for when it is scheduling events?

The actions of cron are driven by a crontab (cron table) file, a configuration file that specifies shell commands to run periodically on a given schedule. The crontab files are stored where the lists of jobs and other instructions to the cron daemon are kept.

How do I create multiple cron jobs in Linux?

Creating Cron JobsThe first executes a backup script. The second will create a new file and the last will rename the created file if it exists. We will schedule the tasks to run at different times but on the same day using the commands below. As shown, we've added the cron jobs at the bottom of the crontab file.

3 Answers

Does your

crontab -l

output match what you have in your schedule file for your whenever gem?

I usually do

whenever -w

any time I make changes to my schedule file and want my crontab updated.

Although it seems like you're having issues getting your actual rb file to run that logger command. you could try editing your schedule.rb to have a set :output like this ->

set :output, "/Users/home/rubylogs/vendorcatalog.log"

every :day, :at => "2:31am" do

command "cd /Users/home/automation/Vendor\ Catalog; parallel_test -n 1 *.rb"


The parallel test stuff isn't really relevant but you get the point. See if you get any output when you do it that way? That should tell you whether or not it's running something.

like image 172
安杰帅 Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 02:09


This turned out to be a wild goose chase. The cron probably WAS working all along, but the script its self was erroring out (thanks to @Arsen7 for pointing me in this direction), giving the appearance that it had stopped. If you look closely at the error message under Update 4 above, you'll see...


I initially missed the /190, which should be a file name (190.MOV). But it was missing an extension and appearing to be a directory, which does not exist, and caused the whole script to fail.

like image 34
emersonthis Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 02:09


As a first guess, it could be that your cron daemon has stopped working.

It depends on what type of cron is installed on your system, but I guess that the command pgrep -l cron should list some processes that have "cron" in its names.

Another thing could be to check the system log - usually found in /var/log/messages or nearby. Maybe there are some lines with "cron" in it? A grep -i cron /var/log/messages could be helpful, but it depends on what kind of system logger you have - so the logfile could be different - and how often it is rotated (you have said that the cron stopped working a few days ago).


It looks that your crond is running - even if it has a lot of instances, what might be or might be not unusual.

Now you could follow the fedorqui's advice, and confirm that the line used in the crontab file really works. Maybe it hangs, and thus no new invocations of the cron are created?

If the command works properly, you may want to see the logfiles - either the system log message (something under /var/log directory) or the cron's own logfile (maybe your cron daemon is configured to output its messages into - for example - /var/log/crond).

Usually the cron daemon outputs a log message whenever it runs a task. It also logs when you see or edit the crontab file. These messages may be useful.

If you find no information in the logfiles, then you could just try to restart the cron service. I cannot tell you how to do it, because it depends on the configuration of your server.

like image 30
Arsen7 Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 02:09
