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New posts in rspec-rails

ActionMailer::Base.deliveries always empty in Rspec

Unable to setup Rspec & Capybara in Rails 3.2

rails 3.1 render_to_string returning empty string

Cucumber and Rspec

Rspec format Post parameters to String values

Stubbing a helper method from inside helper specs

Why is fixture_file_upload not available in RSpec (without ActiveRecord)?

How can I specify https protocol in routing spec with rspec?

How to test a rake task with RSpec?

RSpec accessing application_controller methods such as 'current_user'

RSpec undefined method "errors_on"

Rails generator error rspec [not found]

Testing after_create hooks with rspec

Rspec's instance_double creating intermittent spec failures

Rspec System Test passes when run individually, fails when run with entire suite

DatabaseCleaner.clean_with(:truncate) does not reset auto incremented id

How should I test a Rails application with RSpec to get complete test coverage?

ArgumentError: SMTP To address may not be blank: []