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New posts in roslyn

How to add a trailing end of line to AttribueList using Roslyn CTP

c# .net code-generation roslyn

Get constructor declaration from ObjectCreationExpressionSyntax with Roslyn?

c# roslyn

Why does Roslyn crash when trying to rewrite this lambda? (Visual Studio 2015 update 1)

Why this compiler error when mixing C# ValueTuple and dynamic

c# dynamic roslyn c#-7.0

Replace all variables in C# code with methods

c# code-analysis roslyn

Is there a way to move a class from one namespace to the another, programmatically?

c# .net refactoring roslyn

Roslyn analyzer missing assembly warning

Compiler as a service: How to build Refactoring tools?

Loading a Roslyn compiled assembly into a sandbox AppDomain

c# roslyn

Roslyn, how can I instantiate a class in a script during runtime and invoke methods of that class?

Smart refactoring using Roslyn CTP [closed]

c# .net refactoring roslyn

Using Roslyn in F#

How to create an AttributeSyntax with a parameter

modify syntax tree, then get updated semantic model

c# roslyn

Is it possible to use an nameof expression in switch statement?

c# .net roslyn nameof

Using Roslyn how do I update the class using directives?

c# roslyn

Asp.net MVC Razor view - CS1525: Invalid expression term '.'

calling Roslyn from VSIX command

MetadataFileReference is inaccessible

c# roslyn