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How to get class semantic model from class syntax tree?

c# roslyn

How do I programmatically add an assembly reference to a project?

c# roslyn

Expression that takes a DateTimeOffset causes Visual Studio Internal Compiler Error

Where is the Upgrade Path for C# 6.0? Is it safe yet?

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TeamCity Build using C#6

Why is Roslyn generating a > comparison instead of a != one here?

c# .net roslyn

Roslyn - Is symbol implementation of interface?

In what situation might Text be different from ValueText

c# roslyn

Roslyn / Find References - Can't properly load Workspace

How to get the type of an argument in Roslyn?

c# roslyn

Get Roslyn SyntaxToken from Visual Studio Text Selection (caret position)

Why would VS 2017 suggest replacing a property with a method?

Using Roslyn for C#, how do I get a list of all properties that compose a return type?

c# roslyn

Why does the IL set this value twice?

c# roslyn cil c#-6.0

What's the (official) term for a type's type?

c# types metadata naming roslyn

Why use a ConcurrentQueue in this case?

c# roslyn

New C# 6 object initializer syntax?

c# roslyn c#-6.0

How to write a roslyn analyzer that references a dotnet standard 2.0 project

C# interactive window in Visual Studio 2015 CTP 6