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Disable just the switch snippet in resharper 8 (c#)

resharper resharper-8.0

Fun with generics: no implicit reference conversion error

c# .net generics resharper

C# NullReference Exception and ReSharper suggestion

c# .net .net-2.0 resharper

Is there a ReSharper-like code reformat and cleanup tool for Scala?

ReSharper slowing down VS 2010

Change Visual Studio 2012 C# Modulus Format

Is it more efficient to use hexadecimal instead of decimal?

c# hex decimal resharper

Resharper throws OutOfMemoryException on big solution

Resharper offers to remove redundant inheritance from Window class in WPF

Why is referenced dll getting locked while debugging under Resharper/MSTest?

Resharper region options on Alt+Insert

c# resharper

How to surround a code block with a using statement in ReSharper?

Text output from tests using Visual Studio 2008 + Resharper + NUnit

Synchronize collections: ReSharper "Implicitly captured closure"

Should I use both NotNull and ContractAnnotation("null => halt")?

Does resharper have problems with asp.net mvc?

c# asp.net-mvc resharper

Resharper Compared with Visual Studio 2010

modified closure warning in ReSharper

c# .net resharper closures

Web Api Content.ReadAsAsync method not found, but code compiles

ReSharper suggests the usage of var - Can it do the opposite thing aswell?

c# resharper