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Resharper Create Custom Refactor for ReactiveUI's ReactiveObject

Disable just the switch snippet in resharper 8 (c#)

resharper resharper-8.0

Is there a way I can have Resharper ignore an unused reference?

Resharper Refactor field of type T to Lazy<T>

c# resharper resharper-8.0

Prevent Resharper StyleCop Code Cleanup to create regions

MSTest Run Ignored Tests (VS2013)

dotCover filter with command line

c# dotcover resharper-8.0

Can Resharper Intellisense be configured to sort alphabetically?

A possible Resharper Bug or am I just missing something subtle?

Putting Resharper's ignored errors under version control

Is it possible to create an extension method using ReSharper?

resharper resharper-8.0

How do you reference external libraries with Jasmine + Resharper

Resharper warns about a null string (System.NullReferenceException)

How to set team-wide ReSharper and code formatting settings?

Change TODO item color in Visual Studio 2012 with Resharper 8

How to fix ReSharper indentation on object & other initializers