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New posts in regex

Delete text within quotes

java regex string replace

Using sed, how can a regular expression match Chinese characters?

Regular expression to convert raw text into columns of data

r regex

Various Regexp options

ruby regex literals

python regex fails to identify markdown links

python regex markdown

split string if next chracter is specific character e.g 'abc'

php regex

split string into array of n words per index

javascript arrays regex string

RegExp for minimum 4 numbers and minimum 1 character


Regular expression for password complexity


Deleting every 2nd line from a file using Notepad++

regex notepad++

Split file up based on delimiters in php - which is the best to use?

php regex split explode

How can I match multi-line patterns in the command line with perl-style regex?

How to use regular expression for calculator input with javascript?

javascript regex

Grep regex to unscramble a word

regex grep

r code removing words containing @

regex r gsub

Difference between regex quantifiers plus and star


Regular expression to validate percentage

c# regex

Regular expression to extract (only) the first numeric value

java regex

Java regexto match tuples

java regex string tuples

Recursive RegEx in .NET? (?R)

c# .net regex