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New posts in regex

Regex to parse Javascript function call-like syntax

javascript regex split

Convert long state names embedded with other text to two-letter state abbreviations

r regex

How do you match multiple lines with dot (DOTALL) in eclipse find regex

regex eclipse multiline

RegEx to remove /** */ and // ** **// php comments

php regex comments

Regular expression to determine if line contains 1-4 specific characters


Shell: Checking if argument exists and matches expression

regex bash shell

check if string contains special characters in python

python regex python-2.7

RegExp to find/replace newlines within double quotes, not affecting newlines outside double-quotes

php regex csv

Check uppercase AND lowercase


Replace repeating character with another repeated character

regex r

How to preg_replace_all in the large amount of data

Regular Expression for Date (Month dd , yyyy)

regex date examdiff

Word find and replace using regex | alternation operator

regex vba ms-word

How to replace a matched group value with Regex

PHP preg_match is mismatching a curly apostrophe with other types of curly quotes. How to avoid?

php regex unicode

Regular Expression issue with Fluent validation

How to get found substring while using Regex.Replace method?

c# regex

Why does .*(?!Integration)Test match FooIntegrationTest?

Regex remove everything after 2nd dash


SQL substring non greedy regex

sql regex postgresql substring