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Could someone please explain these gsub arguments precisely?

regex r

Why is bracket mandatory here?

regex pcre

Remove empty line / lines in PSPad using regexp

regex editor whitespace pspad

SQL Select substring if delimiter exists else give full string

Plain Javascript way to add a space on the fly after every 5th digit in input field

javascript html css regex

AutoFixture creating a property with regex rule

c# regex autofixture

Add decimal to last two numbers in numeric string

javascript jquery regex

Speedy test on R data frame to see if row values in one column are inside another column in the data frame

regular expression in R for word of variable length between two characters

regex r gsub

RegEx to match string only if it occurs inside a specific HTML element

Powershell and Regex: How to replace a INI name,value pair inside a named section?

regex powershell file-io

Find a specific pattern (regular expression) in a list of strings (Python)

python regex string list

Find and replace across several files using regular expressions in Qt Creator

c++ regex replace qt-creator

Perl parsing JavaScript file regex, to catch quotes only at the beginning and end of the returned string

regex perl

Shorthand expression for an if ( $a == $b || $a == $c ) statement

Add a space after comma using VBA regex

regex vba excel

How to remove empty html tags (which contain whitespaces and/or their html codes)

php html regex preg-replace

How to regex (1.2.3)?

php regex

Remove extra white space from between letters in R using gsub()

regex r gsub

Find matching patterns from list of patterns using grepl

regex r string grepl