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SQL substring non greedy regex

I have data like


stored in a text column. I thought a non-greedy extraction with

select substring(turl from '\..*?$') as ext from tdata

would give me .asp but instead it still ?greedely results in


How can I only match against the last occurence of dot .?
Using Postgresql 9.3

like image 705
JohnDoe Avatar asked Feb 11 '23 21:02


1 Answers

\.[^.]*$ matches . followed by any number of non-dot characters followed by end-of-string:

# select substring('http://www.linz.at/politik_verwaltung/32386.asp' 
  from '\.[^.]*$');
(1 row)

As for why the non-greedy quantifiers do not work here is that they still start matching as soon as possible while still trying to match as short as possible from there on.