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Web-based RDF triplestore editor? (like phpMyAdmin for RDBs) [closed]

Reverse property path in Turtle RDF serialization?

rdf turtle-rdf

Storage transactions in Redland's Python bindings?

RDF for a Freebase topic

rdf freebase

How to store RDF graphs within a data storage?

How can I get a list of all film ids from Freebase?

rdf freebase mql

Determining whether DBpedia resources are Cities or Countries

OWL how can I know if something should be class or instance?

JSON-LD framing with optional properties?

rdf embedding json-ld

Controlling conversion of RDF to "prettier" JSON-LD

rdf json-ld blank-nodes

Using a prefix in RDFLIB

python rdf rdflib

How to create a basic semantic search in python

Generating URIs in Jena for RDF

rdf semantic-web jena

Query dbpedia to find possible contexts to disambiguate a word

How can you change the data type (or some values) in a set of triples?

rdf sparql

RDF Vocabulary and predicates

rdf semantic-web rdfs

RDF Vocabulary for describing Uri components

RDFa Breadcrumbs

seo rdf rich-snippets rdfa

Reading nested RDF Triples in Jena

java json rdf sparql jena

Is it possible to use xsd datatypes (e.g. xsd:string) and xml language attribute simultaneously in OWL2/RDF?

xml types xsd rdf owl