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RDF for a Freebase topic




I am using the python library rdflib to query Freebase for topics.

I found that the data returned by Freebase for topics are not complete. For instance, when I query:


The result does not contain data about place_of_birth although I can verify that the data exists when I use MQL to query for that property.

My question is: Can I rely on a query to the RDF service to return all the rdf triples for a given topic?

If not, is there a way to ensure I get all the triples?

like image 740
user1748083 Avatar asked Oct 07 '22 06:10


1 Answers

Unfortunately the answer is no. Certain topics link to thousands of other topics in Freebase and our APIs would timeout if we didn't impose a limit on the number of triples returned. We're going to be releasing a complete RDF dump of Freebase in the near future. That will be the best way to get all the RDF data.

like image 94
Shawn Simister Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 17:10

Shawn Simister