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How to make RMarkdown (.Rmd) table captions go at the top

r pandoc r-markdown

alternative for wilcox.test in R


Using dplyr for exploratory plots

r plyr dplyr

ifelse statement inside apply returns unexpected result


How can I create a custom colour scale using ggplot2 and geom_tile?

r ggplot2

Conditionals in R

r conditional-statements

ANOVA in R using summary data

r summary lm anova

Use RegEx in R to retrieve string before second occurence of a period ('.')

regex r

Only label selected breaks

r ggplot2

Replace specific characters in a variable in data frame in R

r string replace dataframe

How do I print superscripts in a table using xtable and sweave?

r latex sweave xtable

dplyr: Combine multiple `count` + `mutate` statements per each variable into a single statement

r dplyr

sqldf not working after update

r sqldf

how to find the longest same number in R


Crosstabulate and summarize factors by another shared factor


object pdflatex not found on Windows 7

Get value from reactive context in R shiny based on user input

r shiny

Plot 'ranges' of variable in data

r plot range

hourly sums with dplyr with zeros for empty hours

r dplyr

Customise border drawing for bars in lattice barchart