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Conditionals in R

I am not sure how to make this work?

I wish to make a new column in a dataframe dependent on whether or not two other columns meet the following criteria:

if df$Cn_LCIS and df$Cn_ILC are both greater than '2' print '0'

if df$CN_LCIS and df$Cn_ILC are both smaller than '2' print '0'

and if they are the same also print '0' else print '1'


        Chromosome     Start       End Cn_ILC mCn_ILC Cn_LCIS mCn_LCIS both
chr1.1        chr1         0  11194349      2       1       2        1    0
chr1.2        chr1 102809740 104579163      2       1       3        1    1
chr1.3        chr1 104579163 121311799      2       1       2        1    0
chr1.4        chr1  11194349  11492125      2       1       3        1    1
chr1.5        chr1  11492125  71442329      2       1       2        1    0
chr1.6        chr1 144009053 157140292      1       1       1        1    0
chr1.7        chr1 157140292 243709339      2       1       1        1    0
chr1.8        chr1 243709339 244112662      3       1       3        1    0
chr1.9        chr1 244112662 249250621      3       1       3        1    0
chr1.10       chr1  71442329  72624878      2       1       3        1    1
chr1.11       chr1  72624878 102809740      2       1       4        1    1

Not working:

df$both <- ifelse(df$Cn_LCIS > 2 & df$Cn_ILC > 2, 0, ifelse (df$Cn_LCIS < 2 & df$Cn_ILC < 2, 0, ifelse (df$Cn_LCIS == 2 & df$Cn_LCIS == 2, 0, ifelse(df$Cn_ILC!=df$Cn_LCIS,1))))
like image 981
user3324491 Avatar asked Mar 18 '23 08:03


1 Answers

compareTo2 <- function(LCIS, ILC) {
  as.numeric(!((LCIS > 2 & ILC > 2) | (LCIS < 2 & ILC < 2) | (LCIS == ILC) )) 

compareTo2(df$Cn_LCIS, df$Cn_ILC)
 # [1] 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1

If your data is large, you might want to try the following


DT <- as.data.table(df)

## different syntax for data.table than data.frame
DT[, as.numeric(!((Cn_LCIS > 2 & Cn_ILC > 2) | (Cn_LCIS < 2 & Cn_ILC < 2) | (Cn_LCIS == Cn_ILC) )) ]

## ... or you can assign it as a column
DT[, compare_LCIS_ILC := as.numeric(!((Cn_LCIS > 2 & Cn_ILC > 2) | (Cn_LCIS < 2 & Cn_ILC < 2) | (Cn_LCIS == Cn_ILC) )) ]
#         Chromosome     Start       End Cn_ILC mCn_ILC Cn_LCIS mCn_LCIS both compare_LCIS_ILC
#  1:       chr1         0  11194349      2       1       2        1    0                0
#  2:       chr1 102809740 104579163      2       1       3        1    1                1
#  3:       chr1 104579163 121311799      2       1       2        1    0                0
#  4:       chr1  11194349  11492125      2       1       3        1    1                1
#  5:       chr1  11492125  71442329      2       1       2        1    0                0
#  6:       chr1 144009053 157140292      1       1       1        1    0                0
#  7:       chr1 157140292 243709339      2       1       1        1    0                1
#  8:       chr1 243709339 244112662      3       1       3        1    0                0
#  9:       chr1 244112662 249250621      3       1       3        1    0                0
# 10:       chr1  71442329  72624878      2       1       3        1    1                1
# 11:       chr1  72624878 102809740      2       1       4        1    1                1
like image 133
Ricardo Saporta Avatar answered Mar 29 '23 11:03

Ricardo Saporta