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get initials from string of words


Reading data via OData: how to specify the authentication scheme via curl/RCurl?

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Install R-Package from Github

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Ask R debugger to not truncate the stack calls

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Extracting standard deviation of random effects components using glmer

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Error: could not find function "read.DNAStringSet" [closed]


Plotting of 2D data : heatmap with different colormaps

create list of dataframes matching a pattern

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Remove US zip codes from a string: R regex

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R packages rgdal / rgeos "is not available (for R version 3.1.1)" [duplicate]


Why are R and Python Mann Whitney different?

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Create grid and color cells with average values of scatterplot using ggplot2

sub returns incorrect data

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Repeated-Measures ANOVA: ezANOVA vs. aov vs. lme syntax

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R Markdown 2 to EPUB How?

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Subset and join a data frame by matching on nested list in R

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After doing a knn classification in R, how do you get a list of the predictions for each of the test cases?

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Append two matrices in R without losing dimnames

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Create Shiny Presentation from Shiny App?

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Invalid factor level, NA generated warning [duplicate]
