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Reading data via OData: how to specify the authentication scheme via curl/RCurl?

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How to specify certificate, key and root certificate with httr for certificate based authentication?

Use R to fill html form and download the resulting file

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How to stop execution of RCurl::getURL() if it is taking too long?

r rcurl

Assigning a value in exception handling in R

How to convert SOAP request curl to RCurl

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R packages: RCurl and curl packages install failure on Linux

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unable to install R-package from github

How to do a SOAP request for EUR-Lex API with R?

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getURL (from RCurl package) doesn't work in a loop

r rcurl

Scrape website with R by navigating doPostBack

reading raw data in R to be saved as .RData file using the dropbox api

r dropbox-api rcurl httr

'RCurl' [R] package getURL webpage error when scraping API

r curl rcurl geturl httr

R Disparity between browser and GET / getURL

r curl rcurl httr

Issues with RCurl crawler based on concurrent requests

r rcurl httr

R - install_github fails

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