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Failing to set the user agent via httr::user_agent

r user-agent httr

Getting data in R as dataframe from web source

r csv httr

How to specify certificate, key and root certificate with httr for certificate based authentication?

Retrieve pictures from API with R

r json api httr

How to post within a rvest html_session?

r web-scraping rvest httr

--user curl equivalent in httr

r curl httr

Configuring listener_endpoint in httr when using Rstudio server

How to do a SOAP request for EUR-Lex API with R?

r web-services soap httr rcurl

how to deal with captcha when web scraping using R

R web scraper with jsessionid

r web-scraping httr rvest

Download data from Statistics Sweden. Swedish characters in query

r httr

Oauth authentification to Fitbit using httr

r oauth fitbit httr

reading raw data in R to be saved as .RData file using the dropbox api

r dropbox-api rcurl httr

Retrieving cached oauth token with packages httr, twitteR, and streamR

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R + httr and EC2 api authentication issues

'RCurl' [R] package getURL webpage error when scraping API

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Difference between query and body in httr::POST

r http post httr