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New posts in python-internals

What is under the hood of x = 'y' 'z' in Python?

Is there a difference between [] and list() when using id()?

Are list comprehensions syntactic sugar for `list(generator expression)` in Python 3?

Why are reversed and sorted of different types in Python?

Is there anything faster than dict()?

Why were literal formatted strings (f-strings) so slow in Python 3.6 alpha? (now fixed in 3.6 stable)

How does swapping of members in tuples (a,b)=(b,a) work internally?

Meaning of unittest.main() in Python unittest module

Why are dict lookups always better than list lookups?

Python eval: is it still dangerous if I disable builtins and attribute access?

Are sets ordered like dicts in python3.6

What exactly is contained within a obj.__closure__?

The `is` operator behaves unexpectedly with non-cached integers

Why is this loop faster than a dictionary comprehension for creating a dictionary?

Why does `False is False is False` evaluate to `True`?

python python-internals

How does Python's cmp_to_key function work?

Very strange behavior of operator 'is' with methods

Why does '() is ()' return True when '[] is []' and '{} is {}' return False?

Why is hardcoding this list slower than calculating it?

Where is Python's shutdown procedure setting module globals to None documented?