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New posts in python-internals

Why does creating a list from a list make it larger?

Why is the size of 2⁶³ 36 bytes, but 2⁶³-1 is only 24 bytes?

Python Compilation/Interpretation Process

About the changing id of an immutable string

Why is variable1 += variable2 much faster than variable1 = variable1 + variable2?

Two variables in Python have same id, but not lists or tuples

How references to variables are resolved in Python

Complexity of len() with regard to sets and lists

Why is string's startswith slower than in?

Set literal gives different result from set function call

'order' of unordered Python sets

python python-internals

Where is the "from __future__ import braces" code?

How exactly is Python Bytecode Run in CPython?

list comprehension filtering - "the set() trap"

Improving performance of very large dictionary in Python

Why is range(0) == range(2, 2, 2) True in Python 3?

Why do I get this many iterations when adding to and removing from a set while iterating over it?

python python-internals

Why does the size of this Python String change on a failed int conversion

Different object size of True and False in Python 3

Why is a trailing comma a SyntaxError in an argument list that uses *args syntax?