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New posts in python-internals

Why does id({}) == id({}) and id([]) == id([]) in CPython?

Accessing dictionary items by position in Python 3.6+ efficiently

Converting a series of ints to strings - Why is apply much faster than astype?

Using a function defined in an exec'ed string in Python 3 [duplicate]

Printing without parentheses varying error message using Python 3

Fatal Python error and `BufferedWriter`

When is a function in a standard library module called a built-in function?

How is the __name__ variable in a Python module defined?

Why do ints require three times as much memory in Python?

How is tuple implemented in CPython?

Why is str.strip() so much faster than str.strip(' ')?

What does "del" do exactly?

Why is float() faster than int()?

Why is repr(int) faster than str(int)?

Why is True returned when checking if an empty string is in another?

Understanding memory allocation for large integers in Python

Tuple or list when using 'in' in an 'if' clause?

Why is list(x for x in a) faster for a=[0] than for a=[]?

How big can the input to the input() function be?

Why does list ask about __len__?