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r purrr problems using walk with save()

r save purrr

ggplot using purrr map() to plot same x with multiple y's

r dictionary ggplot2 purrr

str_replace_all by position, applied over a vector

r tidyverse stringr purrr

Use purrr::map to apply multiple arguments to a function

r ggplot2 dplyr magrittr purrr

Remove list elements that are zero-row tibbles

r tidyverse purrr

Error using dplyr::count() within purrr::map()

r dplyr purrr

Vectorized conditional outputs in R (maybe using purrr)?

Search for string across entire row of a tibble?

r dplyr purrr stringr tibble

Conditionally change values in a data frame to their column name

r dplyr purrr

List into tibble using list names as values in one column

r list tidyverse purrr tibble

show unique values for each column

r dplyr purrr

Extracting data from irregular lists using purrr:map()

r list dictionary purrr

Take row names from list of lists in R

r list variables purrr rowname

Get element number of list while iterating through it

r list tidyverse purrr

How to use purrr's map function to perform row-wise prop.tests and add results to the dataframe?

r dplyr purrr

Subset list of dataframes containing specific column name

r list subset lapply purrr

Combine data file and label file together to have one single labelled dataframe in R

Join tables based on multiple ranges in R

r dplyr data.table purrr

Split a list into separate data frame in R

r dplyr tidyverse purrr

R purrr:::pmap: how to refer to input arguments by name?

r purrr tidyverse