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New posts in purrr

recursive purrr::modify_depth() does not work on ragged lists

r list recursion tidyverse purrr

apply a function to a parameter grid and return a list of lists in purrr

r purrr

Bind rows of data frames with some factor columns

r dplyr purrr tidyverse

Using mutate_at() on a nested dataframe column to generate multiple unnested columns

r dplyr tidyr tidyverse purrr

Error: missing values and NaN's not allowed if 'na.rm' is FALSE

r purrr

dplyr bind_rows execution time exponential

r dplyr purrr

How would I write a recursive version of purrr::keep?

r purrr

cleaning up list of list of list in R

r list purrr

summarize to vector output

r vector dplyr purrr summarize

Iterating over multiple regression models and data subsets in R

Iterate over two nested lists in parallel using purrr functions

r purrr

How to fit multiple models on multiple dataset in purrr?

r purrr

Join 2 nested lists

r tidyverse purrr

Using mutate with map2 and exec instead of invoke_map

r dplyr tidyverse purrr rlang

Using `map()` in nested data frame

r dplyr xts tidyr purrr

working with lists of models using the pipe syntax

Using purrr rowwise instead of apply() on whole row

r apply purrr

Mutate across multiple columns to create new variable sets

Joining list of data.frames from map() call

r dplyr purrr tidyverse

Create a matrix of residual plots using purrr and ggplot

r ggplot2 purrr